Terms and Conditions Policy

By agreeing to these terms and conditions and enrolling in and / or purchasing a product with our company, you are entering a legally binding contract.  Our refund policy is strictly limited as discussed below.  Therefore, we ask that you review these terms carefully before enrolling and contact us with any questions. Please email all tech and logistical questions to [email protected]. Do not post in the on-line group. This will ensure that your inquiries and concerns are seen by customer care and we can track to make sure you are well taken care of.

Nature of Relationship: LionHeart Transformative Coaching LLC, its assigns and subsidiaries and its staff offer wellness and educational services. The program sessions provide education, training and skills for yourself and/or relationship and are not medical, financial, legal, or counseling advice. You agree that you will solely remain responsible for contacting, communicating with, coordinating with, and otherwise retaining the services of your chosen professionals/physicians/health care providers. You agree that You will remain responsible to be mindful of Your own wellbeing while receiving our services and seek medical treatment as needed. We do not provide medical, nutritionist, or psychotherapy services of any sort. We are furthermore not responsible for any decisions made by Client as a result of the recommendations made by us and/or any consequences thereof.

You must be 18 years old or older to participate in any programs offered by LionHeart Transformative Coaching LLC. You acknowledge that LionHeart Transformative Coaching LLC does not guarantee your ability to achieve a specific outcome from the one-on-one coaching sessions, classes, programs or events (online or in person). Each person has a different awareness, skills and work ethic, and your level of participation along with factors outside the control of LionHeart Transformative Coaching LLC and its staff will impact your level of success obtained from your efforts within our program offerings. You accept and agree that you retain 100% of the responsibility for your progress and fitness while receiving our services. You accept and agree that you are the one vital element to your success and that we cannot control you or your outcome as a result of the services being rendered hereunder in any way. P.O. Box CO 80021, US